STR | Outposts

Send Out

There are three primary ways we recommend for sending people out to have apologetic conversations: Campus Engagement, Invitational Engagement, and Local Engagement.

Campus Engagement

We have partnered with like-minded ministries that are allowing us to go onto College and University Campuses with them to engage students in apologetic conversations.

Ratio Christi

Ratio Christi is a university ministry that equips students and faculty to give historical, scientific, and philosophical reasons to believe Christianity is true. They also regularly evangelize on campuses around the country.

Click Here to set up Campus Engagement with a Ratio Christi Chapter in your area.

Justice For All

Justice For All (JFA) is a non-profit ministry focused on changing hearts and minds about abortion. They are dedicated to helping you create that bridge from Seat Work to Feet Work for people you are training. (JFA likes to say that Seat Work and Feet Work are like two railroad tracks in the training process: "You can't have one without the other.") They build outreach events on college campuses to give people they train an easy onramp to a Feet Work experience. Their mentors are present every step of the way, from allowing participants to observe conversations in real time, to helping each participants start his or her first conversation, to debriefing, to trying again. Ideally, you as the Outpost Director would participate along with the people you’re training.

Click Here to contact Justice For All.

Invitational Engagement

Invite LDS (Mormon) Missionaries to Your Home

One of the ways that we can practice apologetics and reach the lost is through inviting LDS missionaries to our homes.

Click here for training information and to contact LDS missionaries in your area.

Invite Jehovah’s Witnesses to Your Home

One of the ways that we can practice apologetics and reach the lost is through inviting Jehovah’s Witnesses to our homes. Click here to contact Jehovah’s Witnesses in your area.

Click here for training information and to contact Jehovah’s Witnesses in your area.

Local Engagement

Worldview/Religious Surveys

Depending on where your Outpost is located, there may not be a Ratio Christi Chapter or a Justice For All event in your area. Don’t worry. We have created these surveys so that you can engage in apologetic conversations in your local public places.

Click here for instructions on how to use these surveys for local engagement.