
Interview with Dan Kimball on the Emergent Church

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Published on 08/07/2005

Brett Kunkle talks about the Emergent church with Dan Kimball, then takes calls on if the Emergent church holds to the doctrine of eternal conscious torment, if there is a chance in the Emergent church for an unhealthy tolerance of non-biblical views, and more.


  • Guest: Dan Kimball - The Emergent Church
  • Does the Emergent church hold to the doctrine of eternal conscious torment?
  • Is there a chance in the Emergent church for an unhealthy tolerance of non-biblical views?
  • Does Dan Kimball consider himself to be a missionary to post-modernists?
  • Can’t each culture minister to its own culture? Do we need the Emergent church?
  • Question regarding some inconsistencies in McLaren’s open letter to Church Colson.