Greg talks about hating religion but loving Jesus, Tim Tebow, the Rapture, then takes calls on if denominational differences are significant, explaining the difference between intelligent design and evolution, and more.
- Commentary: Hate Religion but Love Jesus?
- Commentary: Tim Tebow
- Commentary: The Rapture
- Are denominational differences significant?
- Explain the difference between Intelligent Design and evolution.
- Will every Christian hear God tell them “Well done”?
- How does the Holy Spirit help us?
- What’s the consequence if we’re wrong about the Rapture?
- Are slogans good theology? “No creed but Christ.” “No book but the Bible.”
- Why didn’t God deal with polygamy until the New Testament?
- 2 Thess. 2:3 - Who are those who fall away?
- The rapture is a new doctrine.