
Evidence for the Accuracy of the New Testament

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Published on 08/01/2010

Greg talks about evidence for the accuracy of the New Testament, then takes calls on what Timothy understood Paul to mean when he referred to “all Scripture,” if it is true that there are ancient Chinese characters that refer to the Genesis records of creation and the flood, and more.


  • Commentary: Evidence for the Accuracy of the New Testament
  • What did Timothy understand Paul to mean when he referred to “all Scripture”?
  • Is it true there are ancient Chinese characters that refer to the Genesis records of creation and the flood?
  • Is there a good reason for Hell?
  • What if the New Testament is accurate, but only of a later generation single copy that then was copied multiple times?
  • Explain Santaria.
  • Is there a difference between eternal punishment and eternal punishing?
  • Little differences in the New Testament text can have significant difference in meaning.