
Craig Hazen: Five Sacred Crossings

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Published on 07/11/2010

J. Warner Wallace talks about how Christians should consider evidence as jurors, circumstantial evidence and Christian evidence, Five Sacred Crossings with Craig Hazen, then takes calls on how to evaluate Bible translations, how to find out if someone really is a Christian who claims to be one, and more.


  • Commentary: How Christians Should Consider Evidence as Jurors
  • Commentary: Circumstantial Evidence and Christian Evidence
  • Guest: Craig Hazen - Five Sacred Crossings
  • How do we evaluate Bible translations?
  • How do you find out if someone really is a Christian who claims to be one?
  • How come New Testament writers can take Old Testament verses out of context and we can’t?
  • Evidence for the accuracy of the New Testament accounts of Jesus.
  • How much authority does a pastor have to limit disagreement in the congregation?