Guest Host: J. Warner Wallace
Have Biblical accounts of Jesus changed?
- Ancient Myth Claims Aren’t Just Like Jesus - Four Principles (00:00)
- Has the Biblical Account of Jesus Changed Over Time? (00:20)
- The Best Piece of Christian Evidence (00:40)
Related Links
- J. Warner Wallace's website and podcast
- Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels by J. Warner Wallace
- Why the Pre-Jesus Mythologies Fail to Prove Jesus Is a Myth by J. Warner Wallace
- Jesus, the Recycled Redeemer by Greg Koukl
- Did Abraham Lincoln Exist? (Satire) by Carson Weitnauer
- Did Jesus Exist? by Bart Ehrman
- The Early "High Christology" of Jesus by J. Warner Wallace
- The Best Piece of Christian Evidence: Unity by J. Warner Wallace
- #STRask Podcast with Greg Koukl and Melinda Penner (J. Warner Wallace will be guest hosting the next #STRask)