
An Update on Melinda’s Condition

Author Greg Koukl Published on 12/15/2017

[For previous updates, see here.]

Melinda is still in critical condition but is stable with occasional complications that the medical team deals with as they come up—completely routine for this kind of injury.

Stable is good as her brain heals, so no news is truly good news at this point.

Melinda is in the best medical facility imaginable for her condition, so from the human side, everything that can be done for her is being done.

I suspect there will be no significant change in Melinda’s situation for a couple of weeks at least. Right now, it’s a bit of a waiting game. Lots of people have come out of something like this. It just takes time. Your prayers for Melinda and for STR are the most important right now.

If you like, you can send a Christmas card to the office for Melinda (you can find the mailing address here). We’ll give it to her when she wakes up. She loves Christmas, and I’m sure it will cheer her heart.

The STR team has banded together in her absence, and we’re all moving ahead confidently with our important mission; but our hearts ache for our dear friend, and she is greatly missed by all of us and by her family. God is holding us up, keeping us on our feet—His grace and your prayers.

We will update you when we have new information, though I expect little change in the near term. Prayer is still the priority. We’ll wait with you to see what God does. Until then, thank you so much for your fervent prayers for Melinda and for us on the STR team. And also, thank you for your faithful financial support, which is so critical during a challenging time like this.