We’ve passed Thanksgiving now, and we’re barreling towards Christmas. Have you made any specific plans yet on how you’re going to focus on Christ during this season?
I have an idea for you.
I came across an encouraging and motivating infographic from Crossway on how long it takes to read each book, each section, each testament of the Bible; and from my experience, I think it’s pretty accurate. Take a look.
One of the handy charts there breaks down how many minutes a day you would need to read the Bible (or a particular portion of the Bible) in order to finish in one week, one month, three months, etc. It turns out you can read the Gospels and Acts in only 10 hours and 14 minutes. That works out to 20 minutes a day over one month. That’s all!
Why not commit to 20 minutes a day and read through the Gospels and Acts in December—or cut it down to 15 minutes and read just the Gospels? Surely every one of you can spare 15 minutes, and I can’t think of a better way to use that time.
And while we’re on the subject, why not make some plans for next year, as well?
In just 12 minutes per day, you could read the whole Bible in a year. Does that still feel a bit ambitious? In just 6 minutes per day, you could read the entire New Testament over the course of 6 months. Whatever your pace, the point is to make daily Bible reading a habit. You’ll be surprised by how much you can read over the course of a relatively short period of time!
For more motivation to seriously commit to reading your Bible, see here.