Michael Horton discussed youth ministry with Brett and Greg recently on the White Horse Inn. You can download the episodes from iTunes or listen to the audio on the WHI website at the links below, where they’ve also collected related articles, study aids, books, and audio.
Keeping Our Kids, Part 1: “On this edition of White Horse Inn, I’ll talk with Greg Koukl and Brett Kunkle from Stand to Reason about various strategies of passing the faith on to the next generation. In particular, Brett discusses his own crisis of faith during his first semester of college and how that crisis affects his unique approach toward youth ministry.”
Keeping Our Kids, Part 2: “Continuing the conversation, Greg Koukl, Brett Kunkle, and I discuss the importance of preparing our youth for a life of faith in a secular age. Not only should they be taught what they believe and why, but before they leave home, they should also be given some basic training in how to communicate their faith and how to answer those with opposing points of view.”