Greg responds to the pro-choice argument that “nobody has the right to use your body against your will,” then he answers a question about how to explain to a non-believer why you’re waiting to have sex until marriage.
- Commentary: A baby has a legitimate claim to her own mother’s body. (00:00)
- How would you explain waiting to have sex until marriage to a non-believer? (41:00)
Mentioned on the Show
- Upcoming events with Stand to Reason speakers
- #STRask podcast with Greg and Amy (archives here)
- Unstringing the Violinist by Greg Koukl
- Try before You Buy? by Greg Koukl
Related Links
- A New Response to the Violinist Argument by Amy Hall
- What It Means to Be Human: The Case for the Body in Public Bioethics by O. Carter Snead