STR | Outposts


After teaching your Outpost apologetics tactics and information, your Outpost members need to be sent out to practice what they have learned. After being sent out, you need to regather and debrief their engagement. This is a crucial step in training Christians.

There are many different ways to debrief with people in your Outpost. Here are a couple suggestions. The first is by going to dinner or a coffee shop immediately after your engagement activity to discuss how it went. The second is using your next Outpost meeting to debrief the engagement activities of people in your Outpost. However you decide to debrief, just make sure that you do debrief.

Here is a list of questions to ask people in your Outpost about their engagement with non-believers. This is just a guide to help you get the conversation going.

Click here for debrief questions.

Taking the time to debrief will help prepare your people for their next engagement. It will help them to hone their skills in communication, asking questions, and their demeanor. Debriefing with your group is important for training your Outpost well.