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Our Core Values
Stand to Reason is committed to wise stewardship of the gifts (talents, spiritual gifts, time, funds, resources, and opportunities) entrusted to us. We seek to use them to fulfill Stand to Reason's mission.
Excellence & Professionalism
As ambassadors for Christ, we give care to all aspects of the presentation of our organization. The attention we give to details—graphics, grammar, punctuation, physical appearance, follow-up, customer service, etc.—demonstrates our commitment to be attractive for Christ to the best of our ability.
All human beings are made in the image of God and are therefore valuable ends in themselves, not just instrumental means to other ends that are valuable.
Honesty & Integrity
We seek to be above reproach in the way we function as an organization, and above reproach as individuals. We want to be attractive and virtuous people in the eyes of others.
Accuracy, Clarity, & Even-Handedness
We take truth seriously. Therefore, we handle information carefully, and don't twist or distort it to advance our own point of view. We have no use for sophistry that makes our arguments more persuasive at the expense of the truth. We make every attempt to avoid religious language that may have little meaning to the listener, or may isolate us culturally from those we're trying to reach.
Spiritual growth and training is accomplished in the context of relationship, both formal and informal, near and far, for the purpose of building skilled Christians, internally (spiritual formation) and externally (impact on others). This is the goal of the Great Commission.
Cultural Relevancy & Tactical Soundness
In the public square, we seek to contextualize our message in a way that is most meaningful and most persuasive to the ones listening, seasoning our words so that we know how to respond to each person. This means we often take an "external" approach with those who have not yet gained a respect for the authority of Scripture.
The Life of the Mind
Skill in thinking is very important to us. Ideas matter, and persuasion using sound reasoning is an effective tool God uses to reach the lost. Ongoing education is an intrinsic good.
Faithfulness Over Results
Our first call is to be faithful to Christ, who alone can bring the increase. Results are a secondary, not primary, measure of our efforts.
This is our content base. We stand in the mainstream of historic Christianity.
We encourage Christians to take the initiative in making a difference for Christ in extending the Kingdom, rather than being in a defensive mode.
Confidence for every Christian
Clear thinking for every challenge
Courage and grace for every encounter
Clear thinking for every challenge
Courage and grace for every encounter
“I’m part of a staff answering life’s most important questions. We’re making a difference.”
“I have the privilege of massively influencing the Next Gen.”
“People point to our mature organization to train Christians.”
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Let us equip you through our signature publications, videos, articles, and other mentoring tools. Receive the full selection of resources when you share your email address above or customize your selections here.