Host: Greg Koukl
Greg talks about jury duty, using a game plan, and whether variations mean we don’t have a reliable Bible.
- Jury Duty (00:00)
- Using a Game Plan (00:20)
- Do the variations in old New Testament manuscripts mean we don’t have a reliable Bible? (00:42)
Related Links
- What Counts As Evidence? by Amy Hall (quoting J. Warner Wallace)
- Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions by Greg Koukl
- Upcoming events with STR speakers
- Greg in Playa del Rey, CA on 4/02/16 - Decision Making and the Will of God
- The Fundamental Premise behind Ehrman's Claims by Melinda Penner
- "Misquoting" Jesus? Answering Bart Ehrman by Greg Koukl (includes a link to an article explaining how variants are counted - or see here)
- Investigating Bart Ehrman's Top Ten Troublesome Bible Verses by J. Warner Wallace
- An Interview with Daniel B. Wallace on the New Testament Manuscripts by Justin Taylor (describes the types of variants)
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